The Role of Alcohol in Sexual Assault
/Organizer: Jacquelyn White
University of North Carolina, Greensboro, NC
This symposium explores the alcohol-aggression link in cases of sexual assault. Presenters will report data that not only describe the frequency of alcohol use in sexual assaults, but will explore mechanisms responsible for the link. Specifically, the role of alcohol will be described in adolescent and college students' experiences of acquaintance sexual assault. Sexually aggressive behaviors occurring in bars will also be described. Theoretical perspectives will focus on cognitive factors operating in victims and perpetrators.
Alcohol use in reports of sexual assault during adolescence and the collegiate years
Jacquelyn White and John A. Humphrey (University of North Carolina, Greensboro, NC)
A prospective, event-based analysis of sexual aggression associated with bars
Kathleen A. Parks and Lisa Zetes-Zanetta (Research Institute on Addictions, Buffalo, NY)
Alcohol's relationship to recognizing and resisting sexual aggression
Jeannette Norris, Paula S. Nurius, and Jan F. Gaylord (Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, WA)
Links among alcohol, misperception, and sexual assault: Evidence from laboratory and field research
Antonia Abbey, Pam McAuslan, and Tina Zawaki (Wayne State University, Detroit, MI)
Aggression: Historical, Sociological, and Aesthetic Perspectives Evolutionary bias, democratic regimes, and war 1816-1995
J.D. Singer (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI)
Violence, ritual, and aesthetics: Symbolic experience
Dawn M. Perlmutter (Cheyney University, Cheyney, PA)
Violence in Egypt and Algeria: A comparative historical and sociological analysis
Mohammed Aboel Enien (United Arab Emirates University, UAE)
On aggression
Valeri Dinev (Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria)
Moral poverty or imperiled self: Urban violence and the experience of betrayal
Michael Flynn (John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, NY)