/Poster 1
Effect of NMDA receptor channel blockade on aggression in isolated male mice
Irina Belozertseva, Anton Bespalov (Pavlov Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russia)
Eugeny Gmiro (Institute of Experimental Medicine, St. Petersburg, Russia)
Wojciech Danysz (Merz & Co., Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Edwin Zvartau (Pavlov Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russia)
Poster 2
Animal abuse: An evolutionary perspective
Jack Demarest, Ellen M. LaTorre (Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ)
Poster 3
Conflict-related vocalizations in male and female Moorhens (Gallinula Chloropus)
D. Foreman, P.F. Brain, and G.D. Sales (University of Wales, Swansea, UK)
Poster 4
Executive cognitive functioning, temperament, and antisocial behavior in conduct disordered adolescent females
P. Giancola, A.C. Mezzich, and R.E. Tarter (Western Psychiatric Institute, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA)
Poster 5
The EQUIP Program: Teaching youth to think and act responsibly through a peer helping approach
John C. Gibbs, G.B. Potter (Ohio State University, Columbus, OH)
A.P. Goldstein (Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY)
Poster 6
Chronic cocaine treatment during adolescence stimulates offensive aggression in golden hamsters
R.J. Harrison, D.F. Connor, C. Nowak, and R.M. Melloni (University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester, MA)
Poster 7
Alcohol, executive function and aggression in women
P.N.S. Hoaken, W.L.A. Strickler, and R.O. Pihl (McGill University, Montreal, PQ, Canada)
Poster 8
Effect of alcohol expectancy on aggression
Jeannette M. Johansson and Evan R. Harrington (Temple University, Philadelphia, PA)
Poster 9
Punitive childhood experiences of young adults with craniofacial abnormalities
John F. Knutson, Rebecca Wald (University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA)
Poster 10
Chronic anabolic steroid exposure during adolescence stimulates vasopressin-dependent aggression in hamsters
R.H. Melloni, D.F. Connor, K. Nash, and R.J. Harrison (University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester, MA)
Poster 11
Bullying and coping behavior among schoolchildren
Runar Olafsen, Vappu Viemerö (Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland)
Poster 12
Effect of aversive stimulation on processing of compatible versus incompatible information about self
Farzaneh Pahlavan (University Rene Descartes, Paris V, France)
Poster 13
Effects of monoamine oxidase inhibition during brain development upon aggressive behavior in mice (preliminary report)
R.M. Palmour, F.R. Ervin, and J.M. Mejia (McGill University, Montreal, Canada)
Poster 14
Tantrums, temperament, and temporal lobes
Michael Potegal, H.H. Goldsmith, R. Chapman, J. Senulis, and R.J. Davidson (University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI)
Poster 15
Growth of aggressive fundamentalism among adolescents
Tayyab Rashid and Afrose Anjum (Government College, Lahore, Pakistan)
Poster 16
From hostility to assertiveness, aggressiveness, and authoritarianism: 50 years of cultural change
Heather Sabo and Arlene R. Lundquist (Creighton University, Omaha, NE)
Poster 17
Delayed increase in mouse attack behavior following fluoxetine
D.A.J. Widmer and G.C. Wagner (Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ)
Poster 18
Television news violence: Effects on viewers
Roger N. Johnson, Marlene Britt, and Marzena Sekinda (Ramapo College, Mahwah, NJ)
Poster 19
Developing brain models of human aggression using computer simulations
David V. Reynolds (University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada)
Poster 20
Parental influence on the aggressive behavior of Chinese school children
Wu Weiping and Cai Longquan (Institute of Educational Science, Shanghai Teachers University, People’s Republic of China)
Poster 21
Physical, verbal, and indirect aggression among Hindu, Moslem, and Sikh adolescents in India
Osterman, Karin and Kaj Bjorkqvist ((bo Akademi University, Turku, Finland)
Kirsti M. J. Lagerspetz (University of Turku, Turku, Finland)
T. K. Oommen (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, U.P. India)
Poster 22
Bad bars, big nights, bad boys, and booze: Aggression in bars frequented by young adults
Kathryn Graham (Addiction Research Foundation, London, Ontario, Canada)