Is It Aggression? Dimensions and Definitions of Human Aggression
/Symposium Organizer: Deborah Richardson
Florida Atlantic University
This symposium attempts to clarify distinctions among a variety of aggression-related variables and consider the usefulness and validity of several approaches to measuring such variables. The question to be addressed by the participants and discussants is what are the measures of aggression that are typically used in research actually measuring? Evidence will be presented to demonstrate that aggression is a multi-faceted phenomenon that nevertheless can be measured reliably, using a variety of measurement techniques.
Components of trait anger: Affect, behavior, and cognition
Ren Martin (University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA)
What is indirect aggression? Discriminating between direct and indirect aggression
Deborah P. Richardson (Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL)
Can one generalize the results of laboratory aggression studies in the real world?
Brad Bushman (Iowa State University, Ames, IA)
Craig Anderson (University of Missouri, Columbia, MO)