Genetics, 5-HT, and Aggression
/Organizer: Stephen C. Maxson
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Three research programs on the genetics of aggression in mice and one on that for humans concerned with effects of the 5-HT system, especially receptor subtypes, on aggression are presented in this symposium. For mice, inbred strains (Simon), transgenic strains (Hilakivi-Clarke), and knock-out strains (Brunner) have been used in research on the offense type of aggression. For humans (Goldman et al.), polymporhisms for tryptophan hydroxylase are associated with the risk of suicide and variants of the 5HT1B receptor with antisocial alcoholism.
Testosterone-serotonin interactions in aggression
Neal G. Simon (Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA)
Transgenic TGF (mice and aggression)
Leena Hilakivi-Clarke (Georgetown University, Washington, DC)
Neurobiology of impulsive behavior in a serotonin 1B knockout mouse
Dani Brunner (Hunter College CUNY and Columbia University, New York City, NY)
Genetic linkage of alcoholism and antisocial alcoholism
D. Goldman, J. Lappalainen, W.C. Knowler, R.L. Hanson, R.W. Robin, M. Urbanek, D. Guenther, E. Moore, P.H. Bennett, J. Long, M. Virkunnen, and M. Linnoila (Laboratory of Neurogenetics, NIAAA, NIH, Rockville, MD)