Aggression in Childhood
/Effects of mental retardation and depression diagnoses on ratings of aggressive, self-aggressive, and antisocial behavior
Shannon Haley, Celeste Walley, Michael McCloskey, Lillian Range, and Mitchell Berman
(University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS)
Association between child maltreatment and disabilities in a population-based study
John F. Knutson (University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA)
Patricia M. Sullivan, (Center for Abused Children with Disabilities, Boys Town)
Anger and distress in temper tantrums
Michael Potegal, M.R. Kosorok, and R.J. Davidson
(University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI)
Relationship between retrospective reports of childhood victimization and adult aggressive, self-aggressive, and anti-social behavior
Pamela Posey, Celeste Walley, Michael McCloskey, Mitchell Berman (University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS)
Emil Coccaro (Medical College of Pennsylvania, Hahnemann University Medical School, Philadelphia, PA)