Video Game Violence Book Now Free in PDF Format

In light of continuing public uncertainty about the documented harmful effects of violent entertainment media, ISRA members Craig Anderson and Douglas Gentile have made their 2020 book Game On! Sensible Answers about Video Games and Media Violence free to everyone in pdf format. This book contains 57 FAQs, each with a very short, very readable (i.e., by teens and older) answer, and a much more detailed answer. The FAQs include simple questions such as, “Why should I care about media violence effects?” and “Should I be discussing media violence with my children?” Also included are more complicated methodological, statistical, and philosophy of science questions such as, “Can you prove that violent media causes aggression?” and “Can laboratory studies tell us anything about real-world aggression?”

Please note that this book was written with multiple audiences in mind:

  • Parents and other caregivers

  • Gamers

  • Children’s advocates

  • Teachers

  • Policy-makers

  • Scientists

  • Game designers

It also is useful for instructors at high school, college, and graduate school levels, as a primary or supplementary textbook:

  • Media literacy and media effects courses

  • Research methods in psychology and other behavioral sciences

  • Social psychology courses

  • Aggression and violence courses

The book can be downloaded for free at this link.

There is also a dedicated webpage that includes descriptions and reviews of the book, a direct download link to the free pdf version of the book, and links for purchasing Kindle and print versions through