World Meeting: Montreal, Canada
XV World Meeting:
The Developmental Origins of Aggressive Behavior
Montreal, Canada
28-31 July 2002
Hosts of the Meeting
Université de Montréal / McGill University, Montréal, Canada
Program Committee
Local co-chairs:
Michel Boivin, Laval University
Richard Tremblay, University of Montreal
John Archer, University of Central Lancashire
Daniel Nagin, Carnegie Mellon University
Robert Pihl, McGill University
Frank Vitaro, University of Montreal
Local organizing committee:
Mara Brendgen (co-chair), University of Montreal
Robert Pihl (co-chair), McGill University
Katia Maliantovitch, University of Montreal
Summary of Abstracts
Prenatal Risk Factors, Brain Development, and Aggressive Behavior
Bullying and Victimization in Young People: Current Directions in Research
Perinatal Risk Factors and the Development of Physical Aggression
Bullying, Aggression and Conflict in Australian School Students: Research Informing Interventions
Developmental Roots of Violence Perpetrators
Trajectories of Physical Aggression in Pre-School Children
School Interventions to Reduce Bullying: What Works and Why?
The Role of Prenatal Smoking and Parental Sensitivity in the Intergenerational Transmission of Aggression and Antisocial Behavior
Functions of Aggression in Children's Peer Relations
The Development of Sex Differences in Aggression
Aggression in the School Setting
The Risk Dynamics of Family Violence
Sex Differences and Similarities in Aggression: Correlates and Consequences from Infancy to Mid-Life
Gang Membership and Aggressive Behavior
Cognitive Rigidity and Self-Deception: Implications for Social and Interpersonal Aggression
Information Processing Models of Antisocial Behaviors: Relevance to Violence
The Development of Anger and Aggression
Prevention of Aggression during Early Childhood
The Dynamic Relation between Biology and Behavior in the Study of the Development of Aggression
Continuities and Discontinuities of Aggression throughout the Life Course and across Generations: Evidence from the 40-Year Follow-up of the Columbia County Longitudinal Study
Terrorism and Justification of Aggression
Developmental Pathways of Proactive and Reactive Aggression: Precursors and Consequences
Developmental Approaches to Assessing Aggression in Young Children
Developmental Pathways of Indirect Aggression: Precursors and Consequences
Physical Aggression and Conduct Problems in Youth: Early versus Late Onset
Violent Video Games and Aggression
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Early Aggression Symptoms in Children
Developmental Precursors of Intimate Partner Violence
Social Capital and Aggressive Behavior
Development of Children's Aggression: Early Experiences, Maltreatment, and Factors Influencing Stability and Instability over Time
Paper symposia - oral presentations:
Young Offenders
Preschoolers and Aggression
Ecological and Immunological Aspects of Aggression in Animals
Aggression, TV, and Parenting
Models, Genetics, and Aggression in Animals and Humans
Peer Relations
Poster symposia:
Aggression Measurement
Childhood Aggression
Adolescent Aggression
Special Populations and Aggression
Aggression in Animals
Language and Aggression
Peer Relations
Risk and Protective Factors
Development of Aggression
Abstracts available as one document:
Adobe PDF Format (TK)
Program Outline:
Microsoft Word Format (Updated 7/1/02)