Videos for Aggression Courses
This is a partial list of aggression-related visual materials available on the Internet based on a non-exhaustive survey. No promises are made about their accuracy; some of the videos were spot-checked for comprehensibility, but no fact-checking has been done. It is up to users to review the videos and films and decide on their suitability as educational materials. A few that I have used myself are framed by questions I asked students to answer. We would appreciate feedback on these videos and any useful additions.
Share your feedback or suggestions →
— Mike Potegal, President of ISRA 2016-2018
June 2017
Animal Aggression
Rat offense and defense:
The Resident-Intruder Paradigm: A Standardized Test for Aggression, Violence and Social Stress
Jaap M. Koolhaas, Caroline M. Coppens, Sietse F. de Boer, Bauke Buwalda, Peter Meerlo, and Paul J.A. Timmermans. (2013). JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), (77): 4367. Published online July 4, 2013. doi: 10.3791/4367 PMCID: PMC3731199.
Illustration of the resident–intruder paradigm, which is now a standard protocol for studying aggression in rats. Residents show offensive aggression, intruders show defense.
Maternal aggression:
Using Chronic Social Stress to Model Postpartum Depression in Lactating Rodents
Carini, L. M., Murgatroyd, C. A., & Nephew, B. C. (2013). JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), (76), e50324-e50324.
The overall goal of the experiment is to create a ethologically relevant rodent model to study postpartum mood disorders.
Peering Into the Dynamics of Social Interactions: Measuring Play Fighting in Rats
Himmler, B. T., Pellis, V. C., & Pellis, S. M. (2013). JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), (71), e4288-e4288.
The aim of this procedure is to create a controlled environment which maximizes the occurrence of playful behavior and to analyze the organization of the resulting playful behavior.
Screening for aggressiveness:
A Mouse Model of Subchronic and Mild Social Defeat Stress for Understanding Stress-Induced Behavioral and Physiological Deficits
Goto, T., & Toyoda, A. (2015). JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), (105), e52973-e52973.
The overall goal of this procedure is to establish a mouse model of subchronic and mild social defeat stress to study the mechanisms of stress-induced symptoms.
Recording Behavioral Responses to Reflection in Crayfish
Mercier, A. J., & May, H. Y. (2010). JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), (39).
Dominant and subordinate behaviors in crayfish.
Fruit Flies
Studying Aggression in Drosophila (fruit flies)
Mundiyanapurath, S., Certel, S., & Kravitz, E. A. (2007). JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), (2), e155-e155.
A New Approach that Eliminates Handling for Studying Aggression and the "Loser" Effect in Drosophila melanogaster
Trannoy, S., Chowdhury, B., & Kravitz, E. A. (2015). JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), (106), e53395-e53395.
Two Female Dogs Fighting
Identify the offensive and defensive dogs in this fight. What do the defensive dog’s moves accomplish?
Compare differing topographies of giraffe’s kicking defense against lions to their intraspecific neck fighting
Intraspecific neck fight
Animals Armed With Lethal Weapons
Conventional styles/targets of fighting have evolved that limit damage in intraspecific contests
The lethal defensive attack of the mantis shrimp on the lobster (the blows of its forelimb clubs are incredibly fast, but play at the slowest speed and you can see a blow at 10 to 11 seconds into the video)
Fighting between a resident and intruder mantis shrimp (blows are aimed at the opponent’s telson)
To learn more about this, read the abstracts of these two papers:
Contests With Deadly Weapons: Telson Sparring in Mantis Shrimp (Stomatopoda)
Green, P. A., & Patek, S. N. (2015). Biology Letters, 11(9).
Ritualized Fighting and Biological Armor: The Impact Mechanics of the Mantis Shrimp's Telson
Taylor, J. R. A., & Patek, S. N. (2010). Journal of Experimental Biology, 213(20), 3496-3504.
Threat Displays: Lizard
Head bobbing in 3 species of lizard
Anole lizard
Giant horned lizards
Bearded dragon
Two Grizzly Bears Fighting
Shows fight is terminated by the loser
Fight between two bears, shows fight is terminated by the loser—important in game theoretic context.
Pre-emptive Defense: Birds
Bird alarm calls and mobbing (a little funny):
Crows mob eagle
Yellow babblers mob owl
Human Aggression
Classic Older Research
Robbers Cave
Aggression v. Altruism: Crash Course Psychology #40
Brief overview of human aggression. Presentation of Muzafer Sherif’s Robbers Cave study. Frustration-aggression. Cartoon animations.
See also:
Robbers Cave Experiment →
Learn more:
Sherif’s Robbers Cave Experiment →
– Explorable
Realistic conflict theory →
– Wikipedia
Albert Bandura’s research:
Social Learning Theory
Observational learning of aggression: the serious side of children’s play. Bobo doll video:
Stanley Milgrim’s studies:
Includes a filmed demo of frustration-aggression and discussion of Milgrim’s experiments
More films from Milgrim’s experiments and discussion of aggression research ethics
Human Aggression (2005)
Stanley Milgram; Harry From; Alvar Stugard; Joel Shapiro cameraman.; Harper & Row, Publishers.; Pennsylvania State University. Media Sales. University Park, PA: Penn State Media Sales. Tel: 800-770-2111
See library catalog →
Philip Zimbardo’s work:
Stanford Prison Experiment
Includes years-later interview with the most provoking of the guards
The Psychology of Evil (2008)
Zimbardo discusses his book about his & Milgrim’s work, “The Lucifer Effect.” Disturbing pictures from Abu Ghraib prison.
The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil (2012)
Exploring violent anger
James Dunnison; Dawn Brett; Kimberley Wakefield; Trevor Hodgson; William Morrison (Director of photography); Jeanne Slater; Brent Belke; Under Pressure Productions; Knowledge Network
Explores the emotional causes and social dangers of short fuses, links the pressures of a hard-driving, high-tech world to the prevalence of an easily threatened, easily angered point of view.
Learn more and watch a preview →
See library catalog →
Rage to Revenge: The Science of Violence
Forrest Sawyer; Jill Fullerton-Smith; Diana Hill (Director); Robert Eagle 1948.; Julian Swales
Brad Bushman, Paul Ekman, and Stafford Lightman assert that the cause of human aggression lies in the physiology of violent emotions. Case histories to demonstrate the self-damaging impact of hate and the positive power of forgiveness support their conviction that a quantifiable mind/body connection exists. Evidence is provided which indicates that venting—long believed to relieve anger—can actually reinforce aggressive behavior. A Discovery Channel Production. (53 minutes)
Learn more and watch a preview →
See library catalog →
Mind of a Killer
Three films
TEDTalks: Jim Fallon, Exploring the Mind of a Killer (2012)
Films for the Humanities & Sciences (Firm); Films Media Group.; TED Conferences LLC.
New York, NY: Films Media Group
Neuroscientist Jim Fallon, UC Irvine, uncovers the genetics, nurturance history and brain scans of psychopaths. Fallon reveals that he has the same brain profile of psychopaths he studies, tells how his unempathic behavior puts others at risk, why he himself is not a violent criminal. Part 2 of the TED Radio Hour episode “The Violence Within Us.”
Watch Jim Fallon's TED Talk →
Mind of a Killer: Case Study of a Murderer (1999)
Films for the Humanities (Firm); Discovery Channel (Firm); ABC News. Princeton, N.J.: Films for the Humanities & Sciences 2000, P.O. Box 2053, Princeton, NJ 08543-2053
Tel: 800-257-5126
Steve Aveson reports on recent scientific research into the behavior of killers. An exclusive interview with serial killer Joel Rifkin, convicted of strangling 17 women, is combined with neurological testing, brain scans, and even information derived from laboratory studies of animal aggression.
Learn more and watch a preview →
Mind of a Rampage Killer (2013)
Are killers born or made? The question opens this video, a documentary reviewing potentially causal factors, e.g. childrearing, brain abnormalities and emotions. The Sandy Hook Elementary School and the Columbine High School shootings are noted but the focus is primarily on interviews with Andy Williams, a 15 year old who brought a gun to school and ended up killing two students and injuring 17 others. Teenagers in Mendota, a juvenile treatment facility, are also interviewed. (52 minutes)
Learn more and read the transcript →
(video only available in TPT Passport)
Richard Tremblay’s Work
Origins of Human Aggression – Part 1
The Nature of Things, CBC
Contains scenes of children’s aggression. (11:21 minutes)
Origins of Human Aggression: The Other Story (2004)
Produced by DaVinci Productions. Distributed by National Film Board of Canada, 1123 Broadway, Suite 307, New York, NY 10010; Tel: 800-542-2164
This professionally produced documentary identifies the reasons for aggression in children, 0-5 years of age. Boys greatest physical aggression is in kindergarten, not in adolescence. Exploratory aggression begins at birth, as soon as children can stand they may hit. They are most likely to resort to physical aggression around 2. By 2 or 3 years of age, the motor skills needed to engage in physically aggressive behavior are mastered and can cause injury. Video shows examples. By age 4 aggression decreases. (DVD, 50 minutes)
Learn more →
Aggression in Young Children: The Interactive Guide to Observing, Understanding and Intervening (2010)
Directed by Richard E. Tremblay. Produced by Valorisation-Recherche, Limited Partnership. Distributed by National Film Board of Canada, 1123 Broadway, Suite 307, New York, NY 10010; Tel: 800-542-2164
Is aggressive behaviour normal in young children? When should you start to worry? A comprehensive guide aimed at anyone interested in the development of young children. (2-disc DVD set)
Learn more →
Intervention Videos
Three examples
Working with Anger (2009)
Part of the American Psychological Association Psychotherapy Video Series Specific Treatments for Specific Populations
Jon Carlson; Lorne Korman; Governors State University. Division of Digital Learning and Media Design; American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. : American Psychological Association
Dr. Lorne Korman demonstrates his approach to treating clients who present with problems of anger and aggression.
Learn more →
Opposing Aggression and Bullying (2009)
Various producers, including Clem Taylor and Ed Delgado. Various directors. Distributed by Films Media Group, PO Box 2053, Princeton, New Jersey 08543-2053; Tel: 800-257-5126
This film is part of the 2008 ABC television series, What Would You Do? Instinctive Reactions and What They Reveal. Scenarios staging acts of aggression and bullying to see how witnesses will react. Grades 1-9. (38 minutes)
Learn more and watch a preview →
Disarming the Playground: Violence Prevention Through Movement and Pro-Social Skills (Training Videos) (2002)
Rena Kornblum; Cathi Teeter McCutchan; Robyn Lending Halsten; Wood & Barnes Publishing. Oklahoma City, OK
The Training DVDs supplement the book set, allowing the viewer to observe children actually engaged in the curriculum. There are two videos, each approximately two hours long, each covering about half of the curriculum.
Learn more →
Videos by Brad Bushman
A professor of communication and psychology at The Ohio State University who studies human aggression and violence
About Violent Media
Measuring Aggression in Teenage Boys
Video Games, Violence, and Writing Science
Violent Media and Desensitization
Other Effects of Violent Media
Violent Video Games' Effects on Children
This video on violent media features Brad Bushman and Craig Anderson
Videos From is a commercial company with cartoon explanations and has short video lessons on:
Catharsis in Psychology: Theory, Examples & Definition
Violence Against Women and Men: Definitions & Gender Differences
Sexual Harassment and the Hostile Work Environment
The Violence Within Us
TED Radio Hour, NPR
In this hour, TED speakers explore the sinister side of human nature, and whether we're all capable of violence.
Philip Zimbardo: Why Do Good People Do Bad Things?
Jim Fallon: What Does The Mind Of A Killer Look Like?
Leslie Morgan Steiner: Why Don't Domestic Violence Victims Leave?
Steven Pinker: Is The World A Less Violent Place?
Listen to the audio →
Classroom Lectures
There are a number of YouTube videos of presentations/academic lectures on aggression. Many are just student productions. Others are by professors who are not themselves scholars/researchers. A few are worth attention.
Steven Pinker reviews the decline of violence over the centuries
Four presentations by Robert Sapolsky might be worth a look. They seem to be long and rambling but include illuminating individual stories and could be mined for interesting content He invokes brain mechanisms.
Aggression I
Aggression III
Aggression II
Aggression IV
Conference/Roundtable Discussions
These have multiple speakers on multiple topics with little linkage among them. Might be well used by asking students to ferret out the answer to questions prepared by the instructor, e.g., finding/creating the links among the talks.
The Emotional Brain: The Science and Anthropology of Aggression (2013)
- Skoll World Forum
Discussants: David Anderson (neuroscience), John Mitani (chimp primatology), Brian Ferguson (anthropology and archaeology of war), Simon Wessley (psychiatrist/epidemiologist).
Discussion covers a lot of ground, from single unit confirmation of the key role of the ventromedial hypothalamus in mouse aggression to the role of chimp “patrols” in expanding the troop’s territory to the prehistory of warfare in different parts of the world (in 10,000 years of Natufian occupation of the southern Levant, among the skeletons that have been found only 2 bear indicators of violent death) to the role of small group psychology in warfare.
The Great Debate: Origins of Violence (2014)
Arizona State University
Discussants: Steven Pinker, Richard Wrangham (chimp/hunter-gatherer comparisons), Erica Chenoweth (political violence),
Adrian Raine (brain and aggression), John Mueller and Sarah Mathew (anthropology of Turkhana pastoralists)
Part 1 (47 minutes):
Part 2
On Aggression: The Politics and Psychobiology of Sex and Violence (2009)
Philoctetes Center
Discussants: Jessica Benjamin, Anthony Di Fiore, James Gilligan, Allan Siegel, Larry Siever, Neal Simon.
Male Male Competition Globalization War and Violence (2012)
The Helix Center for Interdisciplinary Investigation of the New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
Discussion of militarization, genocide war and its future. Discussants include John Horgan.
Brain and Aggression
Violence, anger, and the brain
Aggression, Violence, and the Brain (1997)
The Brain Teaching Modules
Clips of John Flynn’s hypothalamic stimulation of cat aggression, Jose Delgado’s bull stopping, discussion of a man whose brain tumor was associated with aggressive behavior. This video would definitely need informed commentary by the instructor. (7:18 minutes)
Anger, Amygdala & Prefrontal Cortex
Adrian Raine on relations among anger, the amygdala, and the prefrontal cortex. How regulatory systems in prefrontal cortex may, or may not, inhibit anger. Focused around a man with what might be Intermittent Explosive Disorder. (10:17 minutes)
Child Abuse and Domestic Violence
Interviews with survivors and perpetrators of these acts of violence.
Just, Melvin: Just Evil
Documentary containing interviews with survivors and perpetrator of child sexual abuse
Domestic Violence: Living in Fear (NPT Reports)
Stages in the cycle of violence
Tennessee Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence
Interviews with abused women